A lot of burglar break-ins happen through the window. That’s the reason why it’s important to install strong and sturdy windows for your home. Security windows should be installed for safety purposes. It’s important for you to realize that the windows are the most vulnerable parts of your home. 

The first step to making your windows stronger is by replacing the one that you have with a specific style. Even the glazing type plays a huge factor. Aside from investing in windows, you may also want to install a good alarm system in your windows.  

Security Windows for Peace of Mind  

There are over a million burglaries that happened in the United States in the last two years. Statistics show that the burglaries almost always happen in residential homes and that the average monetary cost of these offenses was almost $2,500.  

But then again, burglaries aren’t just about the monetary loss. It’s also about sleeping well at night. If burglars target your home, you become very concerned that they’ll come back again. You’ll have decreased peace of mind and you won’t feel peaceful or safe in your own home ever again. Investing in a good window reduces the chances that these things would happen.   

How to Choose a Window  

There are different types of windows available but the best type for you is the impact-resistant kind. These windows can withstand extreme weather conditions, foreign debris, and all the elements. But more importantly, they are difficult to pry into.  

An impact-resistant window is constructed with strong glass and heavy-duty frames. The window is also securely attached to the interior frame of the window. While it’s also true that there’s not one window that can’t be penetrated, what’s so great about this window is that it won’t shatter. When subjected to impact, it will splinter but the glass will still hold.  

Strengthening Your Window 

Aside from installing an impact-resistant window, you should also add security enhancements to it, such as window locks, window bars, and reinforced glass. Below is a more detailed description of these items.  

1. Window Locks 

Window locks are like deadbolts that keep windows from opening. When installing window locks, be sure to choose the type that is big, bulky, and hefty. They may come in different types, such as pin locks, sash locks, and vinyl locks. Choose the one that’s ideal for your window.  

2. Window Bars  

Window bars are made with iron and as you may already know, iron bars are impenetrable. If you have a window bar installed, then you make it more difficult for the burglar to get inside your home. The bars would prohibit them from getting any further.  

3. Reinforced glass 

If you have a window already installed, then you might want to reinforce the glass if you can’t replace it altogether. Know more about your options about this by consulting with the best window companies Denver. A good example of reinforced glass is laminated glass, which is made of two impact-resistant membranes. When shattered, the glass pieces will be held together by the laminate film instead of being broken down into a million pieces.